Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Gift of Offering

It's not what you think.  I'm not talking about giving money or a material gift, but offering of yourself.  There's a difference you know between asking someone for a favor or for help and having someone genuinely, graciously and enthusiastically offer to serve, to give, to help.  All of those being ideal in offering up yourself.  Have you ever been offered help but with the tone of "Please, say no.  I really don't want to help but am offering because I feel guilty or obliged."   or the condescending offer that says "Clearly, you don't have it altogether, but since I do, I'll give you a hand." ?

Image result for packing luggage
     I have the fortunate opportunity of being a frequent flyer and with 4 children, I have found myself on multiple occasions with hands full of bags and babies traveling "alone" and looking a little (or a lot, as the case may be) frazzled and overloaded!  I have people look at me with compassion in their eyes or comment on how full my hands are, but it is the rare and refreshing exception when someone says, "May I take that for you?" or "Let me carry that or hold the baby, etc while you get settled." or even, but less appealing, "How can I help you?"  I let out a little sigh of relief as the cup of much needed coffee that is on the verge of spilling or having the lid torn off by the baby is lifted to safety or the heavy bag is lifted to the overhead compartment or, most recently, the baby is held (and has a blow out in the process) while I clean up the mess from my child vomiting all over herself on the plane.
Image result for mom with kids luggage airport
not us! but a good demonstration of what it's like
Image result for luggage airport

    Enough of the run-on sentences.  You get my point, right?  There's also a difference between having someone say, "Let me know if I can do something."  or "Call me anytime." or "You could have just asked me." and someone noticing a need and meeting that specific need at a timely hour.  I've caught myself often being the one who says, "Let me know if I can do something!"  Rarely do I get a response or call to help, but if I have eyes to see, there is always a way to get down and dirty and wash the feet.  Most of the time that response is from my failure to take the time to really see - often 'cause I'm too busy with my own stuff to want to see.  Sad, but a true confession.  On the receiving end, I always want to think, "I've got this." and I don't want to burden anyone with my needs or struggles and so, I let the kind and even genuine generic offers slide and muster through my mess.
Treena, myself and Judah
Genuine offering, seeing the need and meeting, is a gift.  It's not just a gift to the one receiving it, but it's a gift from God to the giver.  I hope to pause more often in the middle of saying, "Let me know if I can help." and say, "Give me a job to do, and I'll be over to do it." or having the grace to see or come up with a way to gift myself, my time, to serve those in need.  So, next time you're tempted to throw out the generic, "Call me if I can help," Pray for the grace to see or recognize a potential need and be the answer to a person's need.  There's a promised blessing attached to that. "Whoever does to the least of these, does it unto ME." (paraphrase) and "He shall by no means lose his reward." Matt. 25:40, 10:42.

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