Friday, November 16, 2012

No longer servants but friends

God keeps bringing to mind the verse in John 15: "I no longer call you servants but friends."  A week ago I was reminded of a demonstration given at a women's retreat of the way we have been granted Jesus' perfection through the cross.  The illustration was that of a person bringing a lamb to the temple for sacrifice and atonement for sins and the priest does not look at the person bringing the lamb but only at the qualifications and perfection of the lamb and when the lamb is deemed perfect, this is transferred onto the giver.  In the same way Jesus was deemed perfect and through Him we have been granted the righteousness of GOD. 
   In this great love act, God did not desire us to remain in a subservient position, kneeling at His feet and gazing up at Him (not that that is bad, He just doesn't want us to stay there).  Love brings us up on our feet and places us at His right hand to gaze out in the same view that He has.  Deana, a friend, was once sharing this concept with me and for my birthday last year gave me a picture frame that said Love is looking at life from the same view.  I guess that is what I'm trying to say.  His love elevates us.  He sees us through Christ as the perfection of Christ and has lifted us up to his side, to be his partner, brothers/fellow heirs with Christ. 
  I have been increasingly humbled and blown away by this thought.  Even now I can hardly comprehend it and to dwell on it invokes awe and worship and a strong sense of overwhelming love/gratitude and unworthiness.  Consider this, really.  God the Father sees you as He sees Christ: perfect, coheir, partner.  Now, by the Holy Spirit, and extension and part of Himself.  Go figure!  Behold what manner of love.  Oh that you would begin to comprehend what is the height, width, length and breadth, to know the love of God. 
  He crowns us with glory and honor.  He is the vine, we are the branches.  He makes Himself the plain, unrecognized, unnoticed roots and vine that produce the DNA that we might be the radiant splendor of His image.  How well do we display his majesty, His DNA?  He honors us so richly. He elevates us. 
   I don't know about you but his makes me want to shout! Makes me want to sing!  He, the most honorable and worthy, and I in myself the total opposite.  ME, He honors and crowns with glory and lifts me up to be one with Him, the Almighty God.  That is a mystery worth magnifying and applauding.  Who but God Himself could and would do such a thing! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Reflections of a farm girl (a month overdue)

As I was helping take care of the animals while Pastor Erick was in Africa, I learned a lot about them and how they so much reveal human nature.  Take the pigs.  I am amazed by their selfishness.  They see me coming from a good distance and start grunting in the most demanding fashion.  It's not with excited anticipation but as if to say: "It's about time!  I'm starving!  Where've you been all day!  Hurry it up!"  Yes...they do always talk in angry exclamations. :)  They pre-emptively start fighting amongst themselves as if in preparation for the way they will butt and kick each other out of the way when the food comes.  The momma has no qualms about stepping on, throwing, biting or otherwise abusing her nursling piglets to keep them from nursing or eating her food during feeding time.  She is vicious and mean when it comes to getting her way, and the older pigs are evidence of these early lessons in self-preservation and gratification as they kick and prod, grunt and bite for the best position. 
    Is it any wonder that in the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus had the prodigal feeding pigs.  To me it's no wonder that the prodigal "came to his senses" as he was daily confronted with the ugliness of abject selfishness - the pigs not caring who was hurt or had to be removed to get what they wanted now!  Surely this became a lesson well-learned as he began to see his own behavior in light of those pigs. 
     The chickens seem fairly mindless to me.  No thought for the filth they live in.  Eager for their next meal as grain fills their container but not over-eager like the pigs.  They offer a good service through their eggs and occasionally their lives but are unmindful of their service.  They're rather shy and in awe of those who care for them. 
    The ducks...they just don't know what's good for them.  They seem oblivious to their feeding time - even though the goats are well aware from a great distance and seek to take advantage of the situation.  As I chase the goats away from the ducks' food, their "body guards" the cows start charging down the hill.  In almost motherly fashion, these two young cows lower their heads as if to say "You want to pick a fight with the goats?  You'll have to go through us first!"  ( I don't really know why animals talk in exclamations so much.  Perhaps to get their point across)  One good stare down puts the cows in their place, however.  To get the ducks to eat, one has to practically scare them to their food, shimmying this way and that to keep them going in the right direction.  They arrive at their enclosure where the food is as if they have just escaped great danger, not knowing that it was in my benevolence that I was chasing them.  How often are we like that?  Being pursued or pushed in a certain direction by God's benevolence yet shiftless and scared, fluttering this way and that - all worked up- only to find that He was leading us to a place of blessing and provision. But we were too worked up to see it - to see His loving pursuit. 
     The goats just care about food and are happy to receive it in any fashion or steal it - not grateful, just happy.  The dogs are happy for their provision but seem to prefer relationship and attention/affection.  Isn't this how God wants us to be?  Grateful for His provisions and His good gifts but much more interested in relationship with Him, in giving and receiving love.
  So, there you have it.  No wonder we are so often admonished to go to the animals to learn lessons.  Our behaviors are mirrored there if we have eyes to see it. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sounds of GOD

Sometimes I lie awake at night listening to the cricket's two-note thrum, continuous in its monotony yet beautiful.  It sings/plays its part with precision and all earnestness, holding nothing back, doing its small part in praise. He does it unquestioning and without discontent over the fact that he only has two notes to play, no hint of rebellion against its Maker for not having a larger part, just doing its one simple thing with all it's legs can muster...and I find it beautiful in its simplicity.  
  Well, that's not my main point this morning, but I had to share it.  It's hard to believe that we are fast approaching harvest time and the summer is over.  May God grant a great harvest of souls for His Kingdom this fall.  I finally wrapped up my study on the "sound of GOD" and as promised, I'm now offering it up to you.  The "sound" I refer to means: to make a LOUD noise,  reverberate, roar, to call aloud, voice, cry out, proclaim, thundering, and fame.  I tract this sound from Genesis to Revelation and will list my verses for you but only highlight a few.  The verses I'll list at the end of this blog.  
Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were staying. (I wonder if the same sound was present when He first breathed lung filling, heart starting, life giving Spirit into sound is mentioned there)
Heb 12:18-19 For you have not come to the mountain that may be touched and that burned with fire, and to blackness and darkness and tempest and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words so that those who heard it begged that the word should not be spoken to them anymore.  
Gen 3:8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.-See also Gen 3:10 So he said, "I heard Your voice in the garden and was afraid because of my nakedness, and I hid myself." (this is the first time that the sound of God evoked fear.
Ex 19:16-20...there were thunderings and lightenings and a thick cloud on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet was very loud so that all the people who were in the camp trembled...
Duet 18:16b...let me knot hear again the voice of the Lord my God, nor let me see this great fire anymore, lest I die. (Lest it cost me something, lest I have to surrender and submit to it and be changed by it!)
Job 40:9 Have you and arm like GOD? Or can you thunder with a voice like His?
Rev 14:2 I heard a voice from Heaven, like the voice of many waters and like the voice of loud thunder.

   So, there's a few of the verses and here's what I learned. God's voice on earth is associated with fire: Remember the burning bush?  The burning torch that passed between the animal pieces Abraham cut as a new covenant was made, the fire on the mountain when He spoke to Israel, the tongues of fire in Acts, the "let there be light!".  Other words associated with His voice are thunder and lightening, mighty rushing wind, trumpet sound, blackness, darkness and tempest, earth shaking, roar, power, full of majesty, great multitude, noise of many waters.  All of these indicate that His voice is LOUD, clear, unmistakable.  I find it interesting that so often we associate His voice with only one verse in 1 King 19:12 "...after the fire a still small voice."  This is the only time that God's voice is referred to as quiet, whispering and in fact, the sounds heard just before this: mighty wind, earth shaking, great fire are all associated with the other verses on God's voice.  
   Jesus as He was on the cross uttered at the last with a LOUD voice - they all say that and from a medical stand-point this would have been impossible at this juncture because of his lack of lung capacity from hanging there.  Yet, just as Spirit was breathed in, with a LOUD voice, Spirit was breathed out and there was darkness, the earth shook, and the veil torn in two...I think  this too was the SOUND OF GOD.  
   As I sought God on Monday to give me something more to help me understand all of this He gave me what follows: From Genesis onward, every time God speaks, there is a physical manifestation of it on earth - from creation to the curse, to fire and smoke,  Thunder and fire are most often associated with God's voice: physical and audible evidence. His voice speaking changes things.  Words are powerful, which is why the Bible repeatedly cautions us to be slow to speak because the spoken word changes things.  When we speak, we may not be able to see the physical ramifications of this but in the Spirit something changes or good or ill in us or those around us whenever we speak....So let your words be few and come with awe and trembling.  I think of this especially as I talk to my children and how I speak with them.  Lord, help me to speak life.  
  Finally, I noticed that though His voice is associated with fire and thunder on earth, whenever His voice is mentioned in relation to Heaven and His presence there, it is always like the voice of many waters and it is never referred to in that way when referring to His voice on earth....interesting but I have no further great insights into that at present. 
  I would be delighted to get your feedback, thoughts. additional revelations as your read this or have done your own study.  
  Many blessings to you...may you hear the voice of GOD and be changed by it.

Luke 21:25, Acts 2:2, Heb 12:18, 19, Gen 3:8,10, Ex 19::16-20, Duet 4:12, 33,36, Duet 5:22, 24, 26, Duet 18:16, 2Sam 22:14, 1King 19:11-12, Job 37:4-5, Job 40:9, Ps 18:13, Ps 29, Ps 46:66, Ps 68:33, Ps 77:18, Ps 104:7, Is 6:8, Is 30:30-31, Is 66:6, Jer 10:13/51:16, Jer 25:30, Eze 1:24, Eze 3:12, Eze 9:1, Eze 10:5, Eze 43:2, Dan 10:6, Heb 12:19,26, Rev 1:10,15, Rev 14:2, 

Friday, July 20, 2012


Time slips away endlessly, silently and we don't know where it goes.  So often we focus on the time that is gone but we have today, right now.  This is our time.  This moment we can claim and make good and rejoice in the Father's goodness.  So, though time has slipped away and now it is the 20th of July, I lay here in the early hours and claim the now to send out to you my God-sightings. 
     It's hard to know where to start, but I've heard the beginning is a good place.  Therefore, since I last wrote about our last day driving...God-sighting #1 A dear friend in WA had spoken over me weeks before we left that God would bring me a good friend and I would meet her the day we arrived.  We rolled in around 6:30pm on Friday night and within and hour or so of arriving, Janie Gausmann was at our house with dinner and a care package of toiletries, videos for the kids, an air mattress, baby wipes and other sundry items that we needed.  The next day she arrived with her family to help clean the house, and we began discovering how similar we were and how many of the same interests we shared.  That day she said: "I don't want to impose on you or make you feel like I'm trying to be your new best friend."  Little did she or I know (for I had forgotten at the time what had been spoken) that the Lord on High had orchestrated and designed this to be the case before we even knew of each other.  I remembered several days later  that she had been spoken into my life weeks before, and I am grateful for a God who knows, who sees, who interacts and moves on behalf of His people.
    I realized also, however, that there is something in me that really likes control.  Ok, ok...this really is not a news blast to me but I didn't realize how much this played a roll in my relationship with God and that, though I am grateful for His Sovereignty, I like it when He pretends to let me have some say in the matter.  This point was brought home to me on the first Sunday.  Jon, having been to Culpeper in June and scoped out a house, also had scoped out a church and connected deeply with the pastor. He was ready to jump in with both feet and imbed himself in this community.  I, on the other hand, was weary adn wanting to sit back and disappear into oblivion for a while.  I wanted to be slow in making any commitments or getting involved in a church or the community and give myself time to recoup from some hard years of over-commitment.  I wanted to content myself with no one knowing my name or my I think about it now, perhaps I was feeling a bit like the steward who was given one talent and in fear he hid it in the ground.  Well, God had other plans for me.  Not two days into our arrival, I find myself sitting in church and pastor Erick Kalenga announcing how marvelous God is in bringing just the right people together and introducing us to the church.  Inside part of me wanted to say: "Wait!  I didn't agree to this.  I've not decided yet!  Where's my say?"  But I realized that God had already grafted us in and tied the knot to bind us. (Of course, Janie is a part of this body too.)  I could visit a dozen churches and hide away for a while and appreciate various styles and "decide" where I wanted to end up, but in the end, what would that accomplish?  There is no perfect church, why make myself discontent by trying all the others and then finally ending up back where He wanted to place me in the first?  I am blessed that He cut to the chase and planted us firmly before I knew my feet were on solid ground. 
     I took away a lot from that first sermon and as he spoke on the Fall and how Adam and Eve clothed themselves in leaves that were alive, but would die having been taking from the branch, I see two thiings.  First, something in me would fail to thrive, live if I sought to ungraft myself.  Second, our human solution is to take something that is living and make something of it that will dier and decay.  What we do does not last, thought we try to keep it alive as long as we can.  But God takes what is alive, kills it with intention, to clothe us in that which lasts.  We start with the alive and produce death.  He initiates death that life might be given again and anew. 
  He also mentioned that the "sound of God walking in the garden" was the same "sound" that was mentioned on the day of Pentacost.  Now that I have my research books, I plan on tracking this "sound" through Scripture and I'll tell you about it. 
     I find it of interest that this church, His Village, is also the place for the Culpeper Prayer Room or (CPR).  The goal is to have 24-7 prayer there and unite the  churches in prayer.  It is a small band of believers and just as we were invited to play on the worship team at the Salvation Army the first time we attended the church, so it was here and the following week at both places found us playing on the worship team.  (So much for my slow entry into society!)  The people have lavished love and care on us just as those in Washougal did.  They have seen our needs and have entered into meeting those needs.  Eve and Emma have found new friends at the church too, including Janie's daughter, Angela who is there new BF. 
     Other confirmations: we sold much of our furniture in moving out here and have been able to get living room furniture - a nice couch and loveseat as well as a queen mattress $50, desk and air conditioner- free, bedroom set and dressers, vacuums and many other items - $400.  I could go on, but essentially, we've been able to quickly refurnish our home and even more for very low cost.  I am grateful for Providence and Craigslist. 
     I have been tempted at times to dwell on what was and focus on my longing for friends and familiarity in WA.  Though, its not wrong to miss them, I've been encouraged by God not to be like Lot's wife looking back and losing the blessing of where He's taking me. 
  Well, this is getting too long already but I'll keep you posted on other God-sightings as we go.  Blessings.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Onward ho, to Virginia we go

Our last leg of the trip has finally arrived and 10 hours of driving today should result in the reward of permanence and rest tonight under the shelter of a new home.  We've been so blessed by hospitable friends along the way.  Phil Bystry sheltered us for a couple nights in LA.  Jon's cousins Jim and Connie generously hosted us in OK City and the girls enjoyed the pool, fireworks and toys.  Kara Wagner, my dear friend in the same uprooted and replanted predicament provided us lunch in Springfield, MO yesterday and it was a treasured time on the trip to catch up with a friend and be refreshed.  Last night found us pulling into Franklin, TN around 11:30 and staying the night with Kay Dokkestul.  We had sweet fellowship till 1am and enjoyed pleasant repose - up again at 6:30 for a delightful breakfast of an egg casserole and homemade cinnamon rolls.  Yum!  On the road again at 8am and praying the day goes speedily and cheerily by.
    Jon and I have been reading 1000 Gifts and Mountains of Spices.  Both excellent reads.  I pray that God would plant these words and truths deep in my heart and produce all manner of beauty and transformation through them.  I realize how much  in me needs to be transformed by the fruits of the Spirit.  Some favorite quotes from the latter book: "(Longsuffering) bears quite happily everything that is done against it, resents not at all being trampled under foot, and reacts to the wrongdoing of others against itself as though no wrong had been done at all, or else as though it had forgotten all about it! For Longsuffering is really the lovely quality of forgiveness and bearing contentedly and joyfully the results of the mistakes and wrongdoing of others...(The reeds of gentleness) had learnt to bow themselves so easily to the least breath of wind, without offering any resistance at all. It was this gentle movement of submissiveness to life's hard and difficult experiences without bitterness or resentful resistance and self-pity, combined with perfect balance and graceful motion...His gracious gentleness and perfect understanding of her weakness and fears, as though He felt with her all that she suffered which wooed her to follow Him...(This gentleness) is terrible in what it is willing to endure itself in order to secure the blessing and happiness and perfection of the Beloved, and, also, apparently terrible in what it will allow the beloved to endure if suffering is the only means by which the the perfection or restoration to health of the beloved can be secured.  Behold the beauty and the terror of the Love of God." Ah, there is so much more richness here but can only be fully appreciated by reading it yourself - so go pick it up at the library, borrow it or buy it - it's worth the read.
  The Grand Canyon was, well grand indeed.  Eve says she is interested in hiking down the canyon with me one day - one day, Lord willing, we'll be able to make that trek together - I've wanted to do that ever since visiting it as a child.  Anyone want to join us?  :)  Climbing on the rocks and being such a steep edge and all, Jon especially was quite nervous, but thankfully we were able to find a pile of rocks at the natural amphitheater that was away from the edge and the girls made a couple of friends to play tag with and so fun was had by all while Judah found some ardent admirers among three Japanese girls.  They thrilled at holding them and then all had to pull out their I-phones and take pics with him.  He was very acquiescing to their doting and fondling and now he's world famous!  But with his charming smile and adorable features, what's not to love.  He found admirers wherever we went.
   The last couple days have been long, hard driving with few stops and the adventurous spirit wearing thin, but we rally for the last day and the excitement of what is new and unknown.  I was reminded by my Father in the shower this morning not to worry about a thing but to trust Him from moment to moment and rest in His peace and gracious control.
   One last blessing to share...I got a call yesterday from a lady at the church, His Village, and they are organizing a group of ladies to come over tomorrow and help me clean the house and willing to help with any unpacking, laundry or whatever we need.  They are also putting together a care package of necessities to have on our doorstep when we arrive tonight.  I'm humbly amazed at the Father's love and thoughtfulness.  He knows how to give good gifts and surprise us with his love!  May you all be surprised by joy and the love of God today!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 4 and 5

You're probably beginning to wonder at this point, if there's an end to my blogging today, if you gotten this far.  And, there is.
  Rising just after dawn, Jon and I ate another grilled breakfast sandwich and warmed ourselves by the fire, then packed up before getting the children in the car and heading in search of showers and the lower Yosemite falls trail.  The showers were refreshing and the short trek to the falls enjoyable - especially the Eve-led expedition off trail and scrambling over rocks with myself and both girls up to the base of the falls.  I can't count the times when I had to just trust God and look away as Eve says "I got it mommy, I don't need any help." I am also so thankful for my parents gifting us as children with the freedom to explore and do the dangerous and adventurous, while laying aside their own fears but with caution.  I also remember Eve saying at one point: "Mommy, I feel like you only care about Emma and not about me cause you're helping her."  I reminded her that she was handling the rocks just fine and kept spurning my help when I offered it, but also let her know that I was proud of her and more than willing to help her too when she wanted it.  I am grateful to God for the safety and for yet another body part - my legs.  I'm thankful for long legs (or long enough - ok I know I'm not tall, Dad) to jump, extend over places that the girls little legs could not, so I could help them up and over the challenging places.  I'm glad for the flexibility and strength of my legs and for my girls' eagerness and adventurous spirits- brave and anxious to risk and challenge themselves with such veracity!  We also enjoyed a jaunt to Bridalveil falls.  I was amazed by how well a little 3&5 yr old did!  At one point as we were climbing the rocks, I needed to get car keys to Jon and contemplated tossing them to him. However, on second thought, I remembered that at times my history of throwing keys didn't turn out so nicely and we could easily have lost them forever.  All that to say - I didn't throw the keys and we are still driving today!  Dad and Tirzah will appreciate this part the most. :)
     The rest of the day was a lot of driving and Judah incessantly calling "mommy" and wanting attention, salad at Chili's, frozen yogurt and a trek to LA.  We had to forego our trip to the Sequoia's because of time and the drive it would've taken to get there. :(  Maybe anther time.  It was a cloudless, warm day in So Cal and Eve wished for rain over the heat - like a true Western Washingtonian!
   Disneyland was yesterday - we got free parking, arriving around 8am.  It was a full day of rides, not too much waiting in line and the enjoyment of watching the wonder of it all through the eyes of my children.  The girls really enjoyed Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain as well as "It's a Small World."  But for Eve, the day wasn't complete until she got to meet and talk to Belle.  Thankfully, that came in the evening and her trip to Disneyland was satisfied!  The parade was great too and the girls were enthralled.  I learned that sometimes emotion can overwhelm a person nearly to tears - not so much for the beauty or excellence of something but in seeing someone thoroughly appreciate and enjoy a moment in time.  Maybe that's mostly a heart overflowing with love and seeing the unabashed, uninhibited enjoyment of experiences in my girls' faces.  Also, for all its faults and the disagreements I have with Disney and it's productions - they do things with excellence and I appreciated that and the superb customer service.  We left Disney around 9:30 and the kids crashed hard.
   Up again today before 6, woke the kids up at 7 and hit the road.  Now, they all sleep peacefully in the back as we drive toward Grand Canyon.

Day 3 in the journey

Up early and on the road after a breakfast of egg/ham/cheese muffins cooked over an open flame of gathered wood - including the dried stump of a tree that I pulled out of the ground. We reached Yosemite close to noon and made our way through winding pavement and a very rugged trail of a road to our campsite by Yosemite Creek.  As we searched for a site, I wondered whether mom would choose a site closer to the bathroom or to the creek.  Luckily, we didn't have to choose between the two as we found a great spot close to both!  As we waded in the creek and climbed surrounding rocky hills, Eve was our fearless leader.  She scrambled up and over  rocks like a pro and, of course, was singing at the top of her lungs.  The two songs I remember consisted of her own version of "Arky, Arky" and a song she made up declaring that the Lord would show us the way and lead us safely home.  While Jon and Judah napped in the tent, the girls and I explored more of the river, pretending to be mermaids - I got a sand birthday cake and struggled for the right to choose what we would do next.  On a second attempt, we found a way to conquer the mountain across the creek from us. Barefoot and clambering over rocks and rills, we enjoyed ourselves but also had sore, tired feet before we made it back down to the coolness of the river.
  We had Mexican for dinner (better than the restaurant) - been and cheese burritos and chicken/cheese taquitos, cooked over the fire, along with some chips and salsa!  Unusual camping fare, it seemed, but we enjoyed it before one last hike among the rocks and over-populated mosquitos.  We offered some taquitos to our neighboring campers but they were vegetarians.
   Two things haunted me all day.  1.  My dear brother Jer who so enjoyed the outdoors and the kinds of adventures we were having.  I wondered what kind of adventures he was enjoying now.  It brought back so many old camping memories from childhood - especially the time Jer, Matt and i  climbed around on a mountainside in Zion Nat'l Park while Dad set up camp and Mom made dinner. (It's hard to believe that I'm now in her spot with 3 of my own.)  Matt almost stepped on a Rattlesnake as we hiked down the mountain and rather than thanking God and moving speedily on like I was inclined to do, my brothers found a stick and started prodding the innocent bystander.  It still amazes me that it slunk away rahter than taking a bite out of any of us.  At any rate, I have very fond memories of those trips and hikes with my siblings and parents.  After a long night as I lay praying for dawn, I realized too how nice it must have been  for my parents to upgrade from a tent to a pop-up camper.  2.  I was haunted by The Shack and watchfulness over my children.

A new day, 3 days later

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Friday, June 29, 2012

A new blog for a new journey, another chapter in the saga we call life, this beautiful, painful trek through the everyday unknown.  Speaking of the unknown, my new chapter is putting miles between what has been and what will be even as I write on the road and create my first blog.  I feel like I'm embarking on putting my soul out there for the world to peer into and wonder at or criticize.  I guess this is an invitation to cry with me, laugh with me and ponder the works of God with me.  I expect His finger to find it's scroll here as I submit to this long surrender and take the time to notice significance in the insignificant and beauty and magnificence in the everyday.  
  So far the journey East has been, well, mostly south and west and memorable.  Our first day found us pulling out around 9am, leaving behind an empty house and carrying with us the love, memories and tears.  To rewind just a bit, at 6:15am I realized that the car was not going to easily fit all of our remaining belongings very comfortably so I searched craigslist on my phone for a car top carrier and emailed/texted a few options and around 8:15 called on a soft carrier for $25 in Portland.  Therefore, 9:30 found us unpacking the car, reorganizing and filling up our car top carrier on a side street neighborhood in Portland. Anxious to get on the road, we jumped in and headed to Bandon, OR.  We stopped in Eugene at a neighborhood park for sandwiches and some play time then headed to the coast.  The wild game safari in Bandon, OR was a blast.  We held a baby skunk, raccoons, ferrets and possums.  We walked among llamas and goats and peacocks while Emma tried to hug them all or carry them and fit right in as a little herding farmer.  We played with a puma and pet a black bear.  Behind cages I found a real live ROUS - except without a tail - who knew?  A catybara is the largest rodent from South America.  Definitely looked like it belonged in the Amazon.  Elk, wallabies, bison, bear, ostrich, alpacas, anteaters, monkeys and camels and others.  Great fun and stinky too!  We ate dinner at the Crazy Norwegian and then headed to Crescent City, CA for a motel stay and baths all around.  
  So, that was day one and day two started with waffles and a trip into the Redwoods.  We stopped in the Redwoods for a walk through the trees, some tree climbing and pictures - exploring the wonder of those great trees and the God who made them.  The drive from Eureka to Redding was magnificent with rivers, mountains, twists and turns and life etched into the very hills.  We listened to Rich Mullins and cried over a brother who loved that music and the beauty of the outdoors as well.  Sometimes I wish I had a lifetime just to explore all the hidden places of beauty and rough it in the wilderness to explore the untouched.  Does God find it sad that some places He created might never be captured by the human eye?  And I marvel again that the eye can capture so much in a glance that a picture could never reveal.  Our eyes can zoom in, have panorama and appreciate movement and congruity in milliseconds.  I'm so grateful!  What if our vision was like multiple snap shots?  Well, maybe that's a digression.  We're headed to Sacramento with Judah finally asleep after a bit of fussing, the girls creating fake nails with stickers and an Odessey in the CD player after lunch at a Burger King playland.  Plan to be in Yosemite for camping out the next couple nights.