Sunday, March 10, 2024



Suddenly I'm wide awake, my heart pounds hard. I look at the clock.  11:22.  I've only been asleep for about an hour. I covet and crave a good, solid, restful night's sleep.  So, I lay there, heart pounding, nearly exploding with the wonder and power of the dream I just had.  I don't dream often or remember my dreams but I've had a few that I've written down or were strongly prophetic and that's another story.  This dream, I knew, I would not soon forget.  Therefore, I lay there willing myself to enter back into the dream, hungry for more, or to go back  to sleep, confident I would remember it in the morning and record it later, but with pounding heart, sleep was now far from me.  So, I got up, picked up my journal and began writing as quickly as I could, all the details that I will now give to you.

I was in a church I didn't recognize with people whom, in my dream I knew, but none of them I recognize or know now.  Worship was ending and a couple came up for prayer who were heading to a mission field.  Somehow, we had been in communication the week before and the Lord had given me a word for them, so I went up to pray with them and share the word.  On the stage near them was a chux pad, a rectangular absorbent pad like a pet pee pad.  One of the women sitting on a stool, guitar in hand, on the stage asked me, using the pad as an example of something with clear limits: "What is the extent or the limits to which God had called this couple?" I looked at her, and the Spirit of God came upon me, and I first quietly said: "As far as they are willing to go."  She got a quizzical look on her face and then, I turned to the congregation (Sorry for those who feel that women should not speak in church - it was a dream, and I'm just telling it as it was) and said: 

"No, really!!!  There is no boundary with GOD!!!  We put on limits, but HE HAS NO LIMITS!"  I threw up my hands and declared: "There are no limits with GOD! There are NO LIMITS WITH GOD!!!  HE HAS NO LIMITS!!!" And I fell to my knees and the foundations of that place were shaken...

 And I woke, heart pounding. 

As I finished writing the dream, heart still pounding, I was reminded of multiple passages in which people were asked some version of  "What do you have in your hand?"  I think of the boy with five loaves and two fish. John 6:9 "There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?" And it multiplied to feed 5,000, but it may has well or could have been 25,000 or 25 million -His works are LIMITLESS! 

Elisha in 2 Kings 4:2 asks the widow whose children are about to get sold into slavery because she has debts she can't pay, "Tell me; what do you have in the house?"  All she had left was one jar of oil and he told her to go get vessels from all the neighbors, shut the door to her house, and pour her oil into the jars.  As I read this now, that has so much in it that maybe it will be its own post soon, but just think!  There were no limits to how many jars she could get.  I bet - like the wine of Cana - that was the best oil around! I wonder if she limited God by how many jars she picked up.  Would she have gotten many more, had she known that as long as she kept pouring in, God would keep multiplying? 

A similar story took place with Elijah years before when a widow was making her last meal and preparing to die of starvation - can you imagine? And in the midst of the almost nothing she had left, God- through Elijah- asked for that, and because she was willing to give the literal last of what she had, her jar of flour and jar of oil never ran out. Abraham had no sons, no land of his own when God called him to move far from what was familiar, promising him great land, many generations - a nation.  

Not only is God infinite in what He can do, He loves to show up in ways and at times when the only possible outcome is devastation or everyone knowing that He is the LORD.  I Kings 20:13 - a vast army had come against Israel and God said : "Have you seen this great army? I will give them into your hand this day, and you shall know that I am the Lord." 32 kings and their vast armies were defeated that day by one small nation and a limitless GOD.  Solomon blessed God's heart for asking for a big but out of the box thing: Wisdom to lead His people, understanding and discernment.  And God not only did that but gave him wealth such as has never been, long life and a legacy.  

Moses didn't seem to have lofty goals other than saving his life and was now herding sheep in a dessert when God's big dreams broke in on him.  Exodus 4:2 "The Lord said to Moses, "What is in your hand?"  Moses said, "A staff."  That's all he had. A staff and yet, that staff, yielded to the limitless power of God became a snake, turned water to blood, parted the Red Sea, brought water from a rock - blow your mind limitless kind of stuff!! What's holding us back from believing in the impossible?  Believing for breakthrough beyond our wildest imagination? Walking in the big dreams God has for us?  Moses' response to God's mighty acts:" O Lord God, you have only begun to show your servant your greatness and your mighty hand.  For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as yours?" Deut 3:13 

What about you?  Are you limiting God? Is it because of what others have spoken over you or done to you that you feel limited, defined by labels, past mistakes?  Do you feel that God could do those things through someone else but not through you?  What if you broke through that limited thinking and came to see that what God has done for and through others - He can do for you.  He has no LIMITS.  So, stop putting limits on what He can do!  In Malachi God says: "Test Me in this, if I will not open up the storehouses/windows of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you can't take it all in" when you walk in obedience and surrender of everything to Him, you take your limits and lay them at the feet of a Limitless God.  Peter and John had no money to give to the beggar, nothing in their hands, but they new the LIMITLESSNESS of God.  "Silver and Gold, we don't have, but such as I have, I give to you - in the name of Jesus, rise up and walk!" And a man paralyzed from birth, got up and walked.  These aren't fairytales or acts relegated to a distant past - they are for you - and me.  Can I shout it on the rooftops??? THERE ARE NO LIMITS WITH GOD!!!

In John 8:38 Jesus says: "I tell you what I have seen in the Father's presence..."  No
wonder he walked in the authority and power of Heaven - He knew the limitlessness of GOD - and so can you!