Friday, July 6, 2012

Onward ho, to Virginia we go

Our last leg of the trip has finally arrived and 10 hours of driving today should result in the reward of permanence and rest tonight under the shelter of a new home.  We've been so blessed by hospitable friends along the way.  Phil Bystry sheltered us for a couple nights in LA.  Jon's cousins Jim and Connie generously hosted us in OK City and the girls enjoyed the pool, fireworks and toys.  Kara Wagner, my dear friend in the same uprooted and replanted predicament provided us lunch in Springfield, MO yesterday and it was a treasured time on the trip to catch up with a friend and be refreshed.  Last night found us pulling into Franklin, TN around 11:30 and staying the night with Kay Dokkestul.  We had sweet fellowship till 1am and enjoyed pleasant repose - up again at 6:30 for a delightful breakfast of an egg casserole and homemade cinnamon rolls.  Yum!  On the road again at 8am and praying the day goes speedily and cheerily by.
    Jon and I have been reading 1000 Gifts and Mountains of Spices.  Both excellent reads.  I pray that God would plant these words and truths deep in my heart and produce all manner of beauty and transformation through them.  I realize how much  in me needs to be transformed by the fruits of the Spirit.  Some favorite quotes from the latter book: "(Longsuffering) bears quite happily everything that is done against it, resents not at all being trampled under foot, and reacts to the wrongdoing of others against itself as though no wrong had been done at all, or else as though it had forgotten all about it! For Longsuffering is really the lovely quality of forgiveness and bearing contentedly and joyfully the results of the mistakes and wrongdoing of others...(The reeds of gentleness) had learnt to bow themselves so easily to the least breath of wind, without offering any resistance at all. It was this gentle movement of submissiveness to life's hard and difficult experiences without bitterness or resentful resistance and self-pity, combined with perfect balance and graceful motion...His gracious gentleness and perfect understanding of her weakness and fears, as though He felt with her all that she suffered which wooed her to follow Him...(This gentleness) is terrible in what it is willing to endure itself in order to secure the blessing and happiness and perfection of the Beloved, and, also, apparently terrible in what it will allow the beloved to endure if suffering is the only means by which the the perfection or restoration to health of the beloved can be secured.  Behold the beauty and the terror of the Love of God." Ah, there is so much more richness here but can only be fully appreciated by reading it yourself - so go pick it up at the library, borrow it or buy it - it's worth the read.
  The Grand Canyon was, well grand indeed.  Eve says she is interested in hiking down the canyon with me one day - one day, Lord willing, we'll be able to make that trek together - I've wanted to do that ever since visiting it as a child.  Anyone want to join us?  :)  Climbing on the rocks and being such a steep edge and all, Jon especially was quite nervous, but thankfully we were able to find a pile of rocks at the natural amphitheater that was away from the edge and the girls made a couple of friends to play tag with and so fun was had by all while Judah found some ardent admirers among three Japanese girls.  They thrilled at holding them and then all had to pull out their I-phones and take pics with him.  He was very acquiescing to their doting and fondling and now he's world famous!  But with his charming smile and adorable features, what's not to love.  He found admirers wherever we went.
   The last couple days have been long, hard driving with few stops and the adventurous spirit wearing thin, but we rally for the last day and the excitement of what is new and unknown.  I was reminded by my Father in the shower this morning not to worry about a thing but to trust Him from moment to moment and rest in His peace and gracious control.
   One last blessing to share...I got a call yesterday from a lady at the church, His Village, and they are organizing a group of ladies to come over tomorrow and help me clean the house and willing to help with any unpacking, laundry or whatever we need.  They are also putting together a care package of necessities to have on our doorstep when we arrive tonight.  I'm humbly amazed at the Father's love and thoughtfulness.  He knows how to give good gifts and surprise us with his love!  May you all be surprised by joy and the love of God today!


1 comment:

  1. I've wanted to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon ever since I was a child as well!!! Well, since I was a 24-year-old child, anyway... Seriously, keep me in mind when the day comes! :)
