Sunday, June 23, 2019

Uncontainable yet contained

Image result for God contained in fleshImage result for god holds universe palm his hand    God created marriage, union between a man and a woman, as a picture, a pale image of the intimacy He created us for.  In young, intimate love, there are moments when love and longing are so deep, there is a desire to just become and remain one and fuse two lives together.  And so, in God, Christ came as an act of sacrifice and union that the Holy Spirit might come to be inside of us - an act of beauty, ecstasy, transformation that gives birth to new life.  
     The ONE who holds the whole universe in His hands - Whom the heavens and heaven of heavens cannot contain - the Eternal One, Alpha and Omega took on flesh! Contained Himself first in a man-child, a squirming bundle of energy and needs - the One who needs NOTHING took on need.  He then completed His task of redemption and returned to the Father's side BECAUSE IT WOULD BE BETTER!!! for us and the earth!  Then, instead of the GODHEAD containing Himself in one Man, He now constrains Himself to be contained by the SPIRIT in many - in all who call on His name and receive His extended redemption.  Our flesh and blood becoming temples, Holy of Holies, vessels for the Most High, Most Holy.  He constrains Himself in measure to fill what we will give Him and work to consume us yet more till we are fully ONE.  My mind can't conceive, can't begin to wrap around the impossible becoming possible.  But my heart craves it!  Yearns insatiably for the ALL He died to give me - the full expression of His life in mine. 
Image result for holy spirit in us     I am humbled by the very thought, awed by it, don't understand it but am desperate for it all at the same time.  This great paradox that the great I AM should be: I AM IN YOU - the hope of Glory, the fulfillment of Creations purpose beyond what could have been fathomed -a depth Adam and Eve walking with Him in the garden could not have experienced...Come Holy Spirit- consume all of me.  Contain yourself in this weak and broken flesh and blood body made for high and holy things.
     From "Be Thou My Vision"  "Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee One"
Be Thou My Vision
Image result for treasure in clay jars

From Jonathan Cahn's book "The Book of Mysteries"  The I AM of all I AMs 
 ..."Do you know the Name of God?" asked the teacher. 
"I don't know that I do."
"...YHVH.  It's the most sacred of names, so sacred some refuse to say it.  And yet, you say it all the time."
"The sacred Name of God?" I replied.  "How could I when I never knew it?"
"When you speak of yourself, you say the Name."
"I don't understand."
"When you feel happy, you say, 'I am happy.' And when you're not, you say 'I am sad'.  When you tell others who you are, you say, 'I am' followed by your name.  YHVH means 'I AM.' It's the Name of the Eternal, the Name of God.  His Name is I Am."
"Then we all say His Name."
"Yes. And you have always said it.  It is woven into the fabric of existence that when you speak of yourself, you must say His Name."
"Why is that?"
"It's because your existence comes from His existence.  He is the I Am of all existence...the I Am of all I ams.  Your I am only exists because of His I Am.  And as you exist from Him, so it is only from Him that you can find the reason and purpose of your existence.  Therefore, when you say your name, you must always speak His Name.  And you must always speak His Name first."
"Because His existence is first and your existence flows forth from His. That's the flow of existence.  Therefore, you must put Him first and then let everything flow from that.  Let everything begin with Him and flow forth from Him.  That's the secret of life.  To not only live for Him, but to live your life from Him, to live from His living, to move from His moving, to act from His actions, to feel from His heart, to be from His being, and to become who you are from who He is...I am."Image result for christ in you the hope of glory

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