Sunday, December 27, 2015

God with us

This is my poetic rendition of the first part of Matthew based on the wonder of Emmanuel: God with us.  I meant to post it on Christmas Day, but as you can see, that didn't happen.  So, now, lying on the couch with fevered body and strep throat for perhaps the 6th or 7th time this year, I finally get it on the blog


You gave up your deity to enter into humanity - Emmanuel
They tried to snuff out your infancy when kings bowed to worship Thee - Emmanuel
Gold, frankincense and myrrh were the prophetic gifts they did offer - Emmanuel
In Egypt you were exiled and from there we were reconciled - Emmanuel
You returned to your own never really having a home - Emmanuel
John the Baptist cried out, "Prepare the way," he did shout...for Emmanuel
He called men to repent and turn to the Man You had sent - Emmanuel
John came baptizing with water to turn men to the Father and Emmanuel
But who would baptize with fire and give the Holy Spirit who is higher? Emmanuel
Jesus came to be baptized and the Spirit did acknowledge and recognize Emmanuel
The Father gave Him a sign, opening up Heaven by design over Emmanuel
Jesus was Your beloved Son, the well-pleasing one was Emmanuel

I've continued on but without the Emmanuel theme in putting Matthew to poetry.  It's been interesting and I'll share more, but for now, may you get lost in the wonder and depth of what it means to have God with us, in us, living through us, making all thing new around us.

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