Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My husband says...and what not to do ever, ever, EVER! or God in the kitchen

Yes, this blog post has way to many names and...
No, you don't need to fear that your name will be the next one mentioned in my blog!  :)

So, what does my husband say?  He's excited that I'm blogging but really likes it when I blog about spiritual things - which got me to thinking about how to incorporate that into my already committed topics of : kids and whole food/clean eating.

   As I reflect on our food experiments and trying new things, two things come to mind.  First, my oldest does not like salad, but on occasion, we make her eat it. Last night was one of those occasions. Friends had brought us a delicious salad with sprouts and homemade croutons, radishes and other good stuff. I gave some to Eve and she ate it all without a word. I asked her if she was beginning to like salad. She said, "No, I still don't really like it. I'm just not complaining."
    I need to learn from that wise girl. How many times am I in situations I don't like and I let people know how miserable I am. I may do what is unpleasant as a duty but I'll let someone know that I'm unhappy about it.  Or at least grumble to God about it. Yet, how blessed and joyful it made me that Eve responded in the way that she did. I want to give God that same pleasure in all circumstances.  It's made me ponder a lot about the Israelites and how God HATED their constant complaining.  It brought a lot of trouble down on them like: snakes, plagues, and even food poisoning!!!  Yup, it's all there.  So, no complaining and cook your food well....properly.
   Which, brings me to my next point: food can be cooked too well.  Never, ever, EVER leave chicken on high in a pan, forget about it and run to the grocery store!!!  I must say, I did have a fleeting thought: "I should just wait and put this on when I get back" ( NEVER ignore the HS when he speaks to you in this gentle fashion!) And I thought, "Nah, I'll just turn it on real quick and turn it off as soon as I leave the house, that way the chicken will already be cooked or mostly cooked when I get home!"
  Yes, sadly, this was me on Sunday.  So, I run to the grocery store with my boys (Girls are out at a Father/daughter Valentines ball with Daddy) and can smell my offense as I drive up the driveway.  As approach my door I can hear the fire alarm blaring and wonder if I'm going to walk into my kitchen on fire!  As God's grace would have it, fire itself hadn't broken out yet but smoke was billowing out my door and dense throughout the house.  I ran in, opened a couple windows and ran back out, and then repeated the process until windows in nearly every room and all doors were opened.  My visions of getting a nap before working evening shift in the ER were quickly dissipating - at a much more rapid rate than the smoke from my house.  Oh, I did turn the burner off and remove the pan too.
   As I watched smoke pour out of my house and someone drive by very slowly looking concerned, or was it amused? puzzled?  just interested?  I don't know, but I thought..."I don't need this!"  I have plenty of other things to do this week!  Ever wonder what it would take to get the smell of smoke/burnt plastic lid handle out of your house?  Me neither...until now.
  So, folks, don't try that at home.  I don't recommend it.  Food should be cooked well but not TOO WELL.
  Yes, I've been scrubbing down doors, walls, furniture, door frames, window frames, cabinets, etc, etc with vinegar water, covered my couches, chairs and carpets in baking soda over night and vacuumed it up, lit candles, opened windows and put bowls of diced onions in water around the house all to absorb and remove the smell.  It is slowly getting better and I've never so thoroughly spring-cleaned my house.  Tomorrow is shampooing carpet and couches.
  Friday I hope to plant my early spring starts!

     Are you sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what the second thing I have been reflecting on is??? Or did you forget, like I did that I mentioned there were two things up at the second paragraph?  Yes, this blog is getting way too long.  I think I'll close and post more later.  So, goodnight.

Recipe of the week:  

Homemade ketchup: Jon says it's the best he's ever had!

1 comment:

  1. Now that's a thrill I think I would least after the fact. ;) And congratulations to Eve for not complaining! I'm impressed. :)
